The Thursday and the Friday of the week that it precedes the Easter, Sorrento lives moments of intense religiousness tied to the popular faith that has been being handed down for centuries of generation in generation. Along the roads of the town they are untied the processions that recall the Walk of the Cross and that they are characterized by the share of hundreds of believers that you/they wear long dresses (white the Thursday and black the Friday) and hoods that they hide the face of it and they bring martìri (signs of the Passion of Christ), torches and làbari. The processions are organized by the Brotherhoods, formed from secular driven by a spiritual head, that you/they have an origin risalente to the Middle Ages.
Sorrento has two Brotherhoods: the Brotherhood of the Death, that has incorporated that of St. Catello and the Arciconfraternita of Saint Monica. During the centuries Brotherhoods have developed manifold activities, the Brotherhood of St. Catello for instance had the assignment to accompany the convicts to the gibbet, to handle their burial to bury those people who died in sea. Another social circle in which the brothers developed an important role was that of the “maritaggi” or rather every brother poured a small sum and questuavano to constitute a small capital to use for helping the poor girls that wanted to marry himself/herself/themselves. He/she anchors the Brotherhoods today they develop an assignment of moral and material assistance towards the paupers.